These conditions are poorly recognized and completely under reported.
These conditions are poorly recognized and completely under reported.
Talking openly about women’s genitalia and female wellness is still not the norm in our society. In fact surveys show that women still feel uncomfortable speaking to their physicians about vaginal health. The reality is that most women, especially due to childbirth, hormonal changesand general aging will experience the following:
• Vaginal laxity
• Stress urinary incontinence
• Decrease in vaginal sensation
• Decrease vaginal lubrication
• Loss of tone and appearance of the Labia

The area of non surgical female vaginal rejuvenation has been gaining attention as more women discover that they do not need to suffer with the lifestyle changes they have been experiencing:
Scenario 1 - leaking at gym classes, when you sneeze or go for a light jog
Scenario 2 - additional lubrication required all the time
Scenario 3 - pain when crossing your legs as skin around the labia is too stretched and catches
Scenario 4 - painful or non pleasurable sexual encounters

The area of non surgical female vaginal rejuvenation has been gaining attention as more women discover that they do not need to suffer with the lifestyle changes they have been experiencing:
Scenario 1 - leaking at gym classes, when you sneeze or go for a light jog
Scenario 2 - additional lubrication required all the time
Scenario 3 - pain when crossing your legs as skin around the labia is too stretched and catches
Scenario 4 - painful or non pleasurable sexual encounters

What Exactly Causes Vaginal Laxity?
Vaginal laxity is most commonly caused by a pregnancy with vaginal delivery that causes immense pressure, stretching and trauma that results in loss of vaginal tightness and muscletone. Higher number of vaginal deliveries will increase the likelihood and severity of vaginal laxity.
Vaginal Laxity Symptoms
The immediate result of vaginal laxity is a loss of sensation from the vaginal walls causing dissatisfying sexual intercourse. The long term concern for women is a negative impact on their body image, sexual function and therefore overall quality of life.
Can Vaginal Laxity Actually Get Better and Improve?
Any women who has ever had concerns with vaginal laxity and has spoken to a doctor has been told to work on the strength of their pelvic floor and commit to a routine of Kegel exercises daily to rebuild the vaginal muscles. Unfortunately the results are not great unless you are committed to doing these daily for months. Most women will give up within the first month and continue to suffer from this condition for the rest of their lives.

• RF(Radio Frequency) Energy
• PRP injections
Do RF and PRP Really Work and If So, How?
RF treatments work by emitting radio frequency into and gently heating the tissue being treated. Tissue heating has the effect of tightening, increasing blood flow and inducing production of collagen. Increasing collagen results in stronger, tighter tissues that are better able to hold moisture. Strategically injected PRP also has the result of up regulating collagen production and blood flow in vaginal, clitoral and labial tissue. The muscles and ligaments that support the female genitals and urethra also benefit from the increased blood flow.
What are the Risks involved with RF Energy and PRP?
RF treatments that are not preformed with Health Canada/FDA approved machines or done by a poorly trained technician may result in burns. PRP should be injected by a physician who understands the anatomy of the female genitals and is trained to perform this treatment. Improper injection can result in urethral or rectal perforation and/or urethral stricture/blockage.
How Often Does Non Surgical Vaginal Tightening Need to Be Preformed?
Ideally the treatment series should be performed every 12-18 months to upkeep results.
Does Non Surgical Vaginal Tightening work as well as Surgical Vaginal Tightening?
The results from the non surgical vaginal tightening are based on collagen remodelling and therefore works very well but works more gradually. Surgical Viginoplasty has a very high success rate but also carries with it the risks of elective surgery and longer down times.
What Exactly Causes Vaginal Laxity?
Vaginal laxity is most commonly caused by a pregnancy with vaginal delivery that causes immense pressure, stretching and trauma that results in loss of vaginal tightness and muscletone. Higher number of vaginal deliveries will increase the likelihood and severity of vaginal laxity.
Vaginal Laxity Symptoms
The immediate result of vaginal laxity is a loss of sensation from the vaginal walls causing dissatisfying sexual intercourse. The long term concern for women is a negative impact on their body image, sexual function and therefore overall quality of life.
Can Vaginal Laxity Actually Get Better and Improve?
Any women who has ever had concerns with vaginal laxity and has spoken to a doctor has been told to work on the strength of their pelvic floor and commit to a routine of Kegel exercises daily to rebuild the vaginal muscles. Unfortunately the results are not great unless you are committed to doing these daily for months. Most women will give up within the first month and continue to suffer from this condition for the rest of their lives.
• RF(Radio Frequency) Energy
• PRP injections
Do RF and PRP Really Work and If So, How?
RF treatments work by emitting radio frequency into and gently heating the tissue being treated. Tissue heating has the effect of tightening, increasing blood flow and inducing production of collagen. Increasing collagen results in stronger, tighter tissues that are better able to hold moisture. Strategically injected PRP also has the result of up regulating collagen production and blood flow in vaginal, clitoral and labial tissue. The muscles and ligaments that support the female genitals and urethra also benefit from the increased blood flow.
What are the Risks involved with RF Energy and PRP?
RF treatments that are not preformed with Health Canada/FDA approved machines or done by a poorly trained technician may result in burns. PRP should be injected by a physician who understands the anatomy of the female genitals and is trained to perform this treatment. Improper injection can result in urethral or rectal perforation and/or urethral stricture/blockage.
How Often Does Non Surgical Vaginal Tightening Need to Be Preformed?
Ideally the treatment series should be performed every 12-18 months to upkeep results.
Does Non Surgical Vaginal Tightening work as well as Surgical Vaginal Tightening?
The results from the non surgical vaginal tightening are based on collagen remodelling and therefore works very well but works more gradually. Surgical Viginoplasty has a very high success rate but also carries with it the risks of elective surgery and longer down times.

Due to the increase in collagen that results from treatment, vaginal tissue is able to hold more water resulting in better lubrication.

Due to the increase in collagen that results from treatment, vaginal tissue is able to hold more water resulting in better lubrication.
With aging and with child birth the labia often will lose skin tone and/or be stretched.
Treating this area with RF and with PRP causes tightening and collagen remodelling of the skin.

With aging and with child birth the labia often will lose skin tone and/or be stretched.
Treating this area with RF and with PRP causes tightening and collagen remodelling of the skin.

Who Are the Best Non Surgical Vaginal Tightening Candidates?
Anybody who has symptoms. Patients who have implanted electrical devices such as a pacemaker cannot have RF treatments. For these clients PRP is still a good option for treatment.
How Should I Prepare for MY Appointment?
It is best to empty your bladder immediately prior to treatment. Otherwise no specific preparation is required prior to treatment.
Vaginal Tightening Recovery Process and What Exactly to Expect?
You may have a fullness/pressure sensation in the perineum lasting a few days after treatment. It is also recommended that you avoid sexual intercourse for 48 hours after treatment.
Questions to Ask During the Consultation
• Is the procedure being done under the supervision of a medical practitioner who is licensed?
• Which Technology is being used to treat me?
Vaginal laxity is most commonly caused by a pregnancy with vaginal delivery that causes immense pressure, stretching and trauma that results in loss of vaginal tightness and muscletone. Higher number of vaginal deliveries will increase the likelihood and severity of vaginal laxity.
What Exactly Causes Vaginal Laxity?
• Are PRP injections being done by a medical practitioner who is licensed to preform this procedure?
Estimated Cost of the Procedure?
Depending on the number of RF and PRP treatments that are necessary for you and the region you live in the cost of the treatment ranges from $1000 to $4000.