The Lip Doctor focuses on non surgical and non invasive procedures, utilizing the latest technologies on the market to ensure that every patient gets the best possible results. Our tailored programs and services are designed to approach each patients needs based on how their body responds to various elements and build a treatment plan to help achieve their goals.

Aging is a slow deterioration process that starts small changes. Slowly and gradually due to the loss of vital collagen, hyaluronic acid, lipids and elastin your skin loses its original plumpness, which can make you look older and take away that fresh appearance from your face. The deep fat is also lost as we age causing further sagging of skin and forming hollows on the face. Dermal Fillers are an important step in preforming a non-surgical facelift procedure, and will rebuild volume in those areas of your face that require it, restoring your natural structure and glow. These fillers contain substances like hyaluronic acid which are naturally decreased in your skin due to aging and so by injecting such restorative elements under your skin they act to restore the volume back into the desired area. Target areas that require dermal fillers will be recommended based on your personal goals and wants as well as our professional assessment. The most commonly involved areas for these fillers are cheeks, lips, the naso-labial folds as well as under the eyes. This a versatile treatment and can be used on various areas of your face depending on where you wish to add some volume. We have some of the best dermal filler options available and will ensure to make your aesthetic desires a reality.

Wrinkles are one of the most agitating problems associated with aging and require great care and attention to prevent. Once formed it is almost impossible to eradicate them and poses as a cause for immense stress and unhappiness. We have just the treatment you’re looking for with our non-surgical facelift option which combines a variety of treatments to eradicate wrinkles. A great option for the prevention and treatment of facial lines and wrinkles is neuro-toxin. This is a substance that is produced by the bacteria Clostridium Botulinum and is commonly known as Botox. Botox is injected into your muscle under the skin in micro doses. This neurotoxin inhibits the signals sent by various nerves to our muscles that make them contract. Inhibition of these signals means that the muscle will not contract as strongly and hence there will be no wrinkling on the skin over that muscle. This is a very effective procedure to not only prevent wrinkle formation but inhibiting its root cause. Other uses of this procedure are to relax muscle tightness, treat migraines and headaches, treat bladder dysfunction as well as the treatment of excessive sweating (hyperhydrosis).

Platelets are a part of our blood which when used for cosmetic treatment is a wonderful component in a non-surgical face lift because they contain numerous growth factors. Platelets when injected initiate a process in the body that acts to rejuvenate the targeted area. In this procedure your blood is drawn and placed in a centrifuge which acts to separate the platelets and plasma from whole blood. Platelets in plasma are injected into the desired skin area where they act to help build collagen and improve blood supply to reverse the changes that have occurred over time due to aging thus adding volume to the skin. This is a treatment used in a non-surgical facelift procedure that results in healthy skin that looks natural and beautiful. A PRP Facelift gives great results for fine lines, wrinkles as well as uneven skin tone by facial rejuvenation. PRP with us will give you timeless, glowing and radiant skin.

Other than prevention and control of risk factors that contribute to the process of aging there are a number of procedures at the Lip Doctor which will most certainly help to regenerate and restore your genuine facial features. Apart from this there are also procedures which will aid in the augmentation and beautification of specific facial features you would want to enhance. One of the most important techniques involved in the tightening and repair of the depths of our skin is the Non-surgical facelift. This combines various different non-invasive procedures that provide great benefit in this regard. These can be injectables or even energy based resurfacing treatments and the best part of these procedures is the fact that they do not require hospitalizations or large cuts and incisions, and also have minimal or even no downtime. Hence this large classification of non-invasive techniques combining products and procedures, that help to restore and refresh your appearance, without the complications and risks of a surgical procedure. Be it Dermal Fillers, Lip Fillers, Botox or even a PRP Facelift, we have much more as well that will meet your facial rejuvenation needs.

Thread Lifts for facial tightening
This non-invasive procedure targets the lax areas of your face to uplift them. First, we will assess and identify the target areas on your face for accuracy and precision in the performance of this procedure. To perform a thread lift, we use a single thread with 2 separate needles. Our main aim is to lift and tighten the loose areas of your facial skin, repairing any facial laxity. We do so by pulling up the target areas of your skin internally, which gives your face a lifted appearance. We insert one needle just under the skin in the subcutaneous area and then pull it in the direction parallel to the skin, then we make the needle exit past the area of laxity that we have initially targeted, the thread is then secured and cut from the needle. The second needle is also inserted into the same insertion hole as the first needle and the thread is made to be situated in an upward direction and is placed in a way that it gives a pulling affect to the targeted area of laxity on the face. This is repeated for all desired areas. The number of threads required is decided based on mutual discussion and our expert recommendations.
This form of facial tightening can take as little as 30 minutes and with Lip Doctor you will have a professional Thread Lift experience.

A Double chin is one of the biggest insecurities of many men and women is a problem that is very persistent and hard to resolve. It also causes people to look older and unhealthier than they actually are due to its unfortunate location right under your face area, this location makes it one of the first things people notice when they look at you.
Belkyra is a revolutionary procedure that is the optimum option for those of you with stubborn fat around your chin area who wish to get rid of it in a non-invasive way that is easy and convenient. Also known as Kybella, this treatment involves a prescription medication that works by the destruction of stubborn fat cells where it is injected. This prescription medication contains deoxycholic acid which is the active ingredient that causes the destruction of fat cells in your submental area. The destruction of these cells means that the fat in that area will be permanently removed and since there are reduced fat cells there, it will be difficult to re-accumulation fat in this area resulting in a prolonged treatment with little chance of complications. Visit us and get all the information regarding this procedure and reach your aesthetic goals.

Lips are a very important feature of beauty for many people and can be a source of insecurity as well. Lip augmentation is perhaps the most well known and one the most common aesthetic procedures. Many top celebrities and famous personalities are opting for this procedure in order to get plumper and fuller lips. This procedure involves injection of fillers into the lips to augment the shape, give a smoother surface and texture of the lips, making them much more appealing. This gives our lips a sensual and naturally alluring look and feel that is incredibly pleasing. Lip fillers are dermal fillers that have specific properties to give you the look you desire. Experience this procedure with us to get the beautifully shaped lips you’ve always wanted.

Dry Eye Treatment
Many people suffer from dry eyes due to decreased lacrimation which can be due to many biological and environmental factors such as dust, pollution and more. This anomaly is something that causes great frustration as it comes with much irritation and pain. Hence, treating this ailment is often necessary. Much of the treatments suggested and provided come with little or no improvement as well as temporary relief, if any. We provide dry eye treatment using PRP, which consists of platelet rich plasma in the form of eyedrops. These drops are to be used for a few months at a time to control agitation and difficulty caused from dry eyes. This treatment can provide great results and much improvement that is long lasting

Eyelash Brow Augmentation
How many times have we heard that the eyes are the windows to the soul? This quote alone explains the significance of this specific part of our facial feature. The eyes are the first thing someone looks at when they meet you which speaks volumes regarding its importance and its ability to make a first impression. Eyelashes and Eyebrows are a vital part of the overall appearance of your face, and procedures to augment them improves and beautifies the eyes as well. Eyelashes are affected by aging and lose their natural lustrous look with time. There are various eyelash augmentation options available, including topical eyelash agents, eyelash extensions and eyelash surgery. Topical agents act by providing strength, volume and length to eyelashes. An example is Latisse which has proven to give efficacious results in as little as a two month time span. Eyelash Extensions are a useful option for many who don’t want to go through surgery and want immediate results. With us you get to choose your desirable lash type, volume, length and shape. This procedure works by professional attachment of each lash one at a time by an expert aesthetician to prevent complications. Eyelash transplant surgery is a type of Eyelash Lash Augmentation procedure that includes transplanting hair on your lash line which was taken from another part of your body. This is mostly used for people with alopecia or permanent hair loss.

Another feature that is the cause of insecurity and self consciousness for many people is their nose. We have incredible and reliable non-surgical procedures for those of you out there who wish to alter the size and shape of your nose with little to no downtime. This non-surgical procedure entails the use of fillers for the correction of your nasal features. This procedure adds symmetry to your face and comes with a much less cost and down time as compared to the surgical options. It takes about 30 minutes and there aren’t as many complication and risks involved. It is the ideal procedure for those of you who wish to enhance your nasal features and improve your nasal contour without having to go “under the knife”.

Stretch Marks
Stretch Marks… when you hear the term stretch marks, it is neither alarming nor does it require immediate medical attention but are you tired of looking at your stretch marks? Jaded with finding ways to prevent them? Fed up of trying out all natural and medicated remedies for their treatment?
Although it is true that women are more prone to stretch marks than men, they can be seen in both genders. It is common for stretch marks to fade over time but they will often still be visible and cause many people who have them distress. Stretch marks are not a health concern, since they are not in any way harmful or painful but many patients dislike them because they feel they look unflattering. At my clinic where I provide stretch mark removal in the Greater Toronto area of Mississauga , I find that female patients who are pregnant are particularly concerned with long term solutions to prevent stretch marks and stretch mark treatment. Stretch marks are not dangerous, however, appearance of idiopathic stretch marks can be an indicator of other potential problems in the body including an increase in cortisol levels. Seeing your physician to discuss your medical history and complete additional testing is not a bad idea if you start noticing stretch marks that are occurring fast and without a known reason.

A problem that affects men and women, those who are athletic and those who lead more sedentary lives.
While surgical liposuction was once the go-to option for permanent fat reduction and body contouring in Toronto, plastic surgery procedures are not without potential health risks and high financial cost. More often in recent years, discerning clients seek safe, effective, non-surgical methods to remove excess body fat and smooth the look of their figure without the need for anesthetic downtime or scars. While the cosmetic and beauty industry is inundated with products and treatments that claim to reduce fat, there are few, non-invasive medical technologies available which are both powerful and reliable to affect real, visible improvements and permanent fat reduction. Cellulite is a very common aesthetic problem, characterized by the uneven texture and dimpled, lumpy skin contours. Its cause is related to subcutaneous fat located under the skin between connective tissues. These fat deposits herniate and bulge between points of tethered, fibrous connective bands which help form structure and adhesion between our tissues. These areas of protruding, thickened fat can change the shape of body parts such as legs, buttocks and arms. The skin surface may also change to resemble orange peel or cottage cheese texture. Luckily, cellulite isn’t dangerous or unhealthy for a person the way that intra-abdominal, visceral fat around the internal organs is. That type of fat deep in the belly must be shed through diet and exercise and can greatly affect a person’s health. Up to 80% of adult women and many men suffer from the appearance of cellulite and fat deposits on their bodies. By using a combination of injectable and machine treatments we can eliminate unwanted areas of cellulite and fat with little to no down time.

Hair loss is a problem for both men and women alike. There are many people who have thinning hair that have either not reached the point of needing a hair transplant, or do not want to undergo such a procedure. At Lip Doctor, our medical doctor will perform a thorough history, and examination, and also do lab tests that may be necessary to find any potential causes of hair loss. Our approach to treatment is to address any underlying issues while at the same time provide treatments to strengthen remaining hair follicles and induce new hair growth.

Many men would love a thick masculine beard. Unfortunately,for some men this is just not there reality. For some, attempts to grow facial hair results in patchy or thin growth. At Lip Doctor, our medical doctor will perform a thorough history, and examination, and also do lab tests that may be necessary to find any potential causes poor facial hair growth. Our approach to treatment is to address any underlying issues while at the same time provide treatments to strengthen facial hair follicles, thicken individual hair strands and induce new hair growth.

We get many questions regarding skin care and treatments during pregnancy. Many women are concerned about preventing stretch marks and loose abdominal skin. Also many women are worried about which skin care products and treatments are safe/unsafe during pregnancy. Visit this page to get some great and current information.

If you are a woman who is suffering from painful sexual intercourse, or non pleasurable intercourse, new treatments exist that will improve sexual pleasure and eliminate/reduce any associated pain. Using a combination of treatments - including energy based machines and injectables - we can help you reclaim your sex life.

Many women suffer from stress incontinence - leaking from the bladder and/or an inability to hold their urine. This is common after pregnancy and as women age. The muscles of the pelvic floor weaken and relax causing difficulty with bladder control. Come in for a free consult to learn more and take the first steps to treatment. This form of facial tightening can take as little as 30 minutes. Book your Free Consultation today.