Don’t let a history of acne get the best of you. Our skin
experts and world renowned technology are here to help.
Don’t let a history of acne get the best of you. Our skin experts and world renowned technology are here to help.


Change your LIFE in ONE visit.

Treat Acne at its Source
AviClear uses the power of laser light to selectively target and suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminating acne at its source without the need for additional prescription medications that may have serious side effects.
In clinical studies, 91% of patients responded to treatment and 80% saw at least half of their acne clear. The results may continue to improve with time – even several months after your treatment sessions are finished.

AviClear uses technology and innovation to reimagine how acne is treated. AviClear is the only acne treatment that is engineered with a revolutionary 1726 nm wavelength laser for all skin types. It selectively targets and suppresses sebaceous glands, eliminating acne at the source.
Change your LIFE in ONE visit.

Aiden Shares his AviClear Story


Significantly Eliminates Acne in
Treat Acne at its Source
AviClear uses the power of laser light to selectively target and suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminating acne at its source without the need for additional prescription medications that may have serious side effects.
In clinical studies, 91% of patients responded to treatment and 80% saw at least half of their acne clear. The results may continue to improve with time – even several months after your treatment sessions are finished.

AviClear uses technology and innovation to reimagine how acne is treated. AviClear is the only acne treatment that is engineered with a revolutionary 1726 nm wavelength laser for all skin types. It selectively targets and suppresses sebaceous glands, eliminating acne at the source.

Live Without Active Acne
Acne is a common skin problem across age groups, affecting almost 80% of the population, 4 out of five individuals.There are numerous treatments available today to treat acne, including retinol, chemical peels, antibiotics, and lasers. Lip Doctor, under the medical supervision of Dr. Neel Bector, offers remarkable procedure results for active acne, acne scarring and rosacea. Our clinic provides multiple modality-based treatment methods that are explicitly combined to improve moderate to severe active acne and minimize acne scarring. Our treatment protocols target and suppress the overactive oil glands (sebaceous glands) that, with the addition of dead cells and bacteria, are primarily responsible for causing acne under the skin surface.
Fractora works specifically by delivering RF energy to the various layers of the skin through a collection of pins. These pins produce localized heat and reduce the oil-producing glands' activity. The pins in the sub-dermal layer of tissue encourage collagen production and restructuring, promoting skin rejuvenation, scar healing, and improved overall tone and texture. See Before & After Results.

Change your LIFE in ONE visit.

Our treatments use a multiple-pronged approach that creates a beautiful final result. Most of our skin treatments start with the Fractora from Inmode. Fractora uses radio frequency (RF) based technology that produces heat in the different skin layers, reducing the oil glands' activity while simultaneously stimulating collagen production. Fractora is unique in its ability to target oil glands while safe for all skin tones and textures.
This treatment device is both Health Canada and FDA approved, with numerous medical, evidence-based

RF waves cause damage to the overactive oil-producing glands that cause acne.

The Fractora device uses heat and micro-needling to initiate collagen stimulation that improves the appearance of acne scars long-term.

Health Canada approved with numerous studies show stunning, long-term results.

Safe to use on all skin types and tones


There is a frequent skin disorder known as whiteheads, which primarily affects the face as well as the neck, back, and chest. Too much oil on the skin and inflammation of the hair follicles are two common culprits. Whiteheads are most frequent in teenagers, but they can appear at any age for various reasons.
Whiteheads are tiny pimples that protrude from the surface of your skin. They are white or yellowish, appearing like a closed bump on the skin.
What causes whiteheads?
Hair follicles are connected to sebaceous glands found all over the body. Whiteheads are the result of an inflamed sebaceous gland or hair follicle.
To avoid recurring breakouts, it's essential to know what causes whiteheads in the first place. Whiteheads are primarily the result of blocked skin pores. However, there are a variety of possible causes for clogged pores. For example, hormonal changes may produce whiteheads during puberty or pregnancy because of pores' increased oil production and blockage.
Many whitehead problems might result from contraceptives, especially those containing progesterone, which triggers acne problems in women. In addition, after stopping birth control pills, some women report an increase in acne throughout various times of their menstrual cycles.
Some studies also link acne problems like whiteheads to genetics. The hereditary factors might play a role in various skin problems, including acne scars. Having acne in your family increases your chances of having it as well.
Skin irritation from creams or certain wearables like caps and head straps may also result in some skin issues.
Whiteheads aren't harmful to your physical health, but they can impact your mental and emotional well-being. For example, they have been linked to anxiety, sadness, and even suicide ideation.
Who do whiteheads affect?
Whiteheads usually affect adolescents and teens going through hormonal changes. However, many adults continue to suffer from whiteheads throughout their twenties and beyond. Some adults might have no history of whiteheads or pimples, but still, they can have them in their late 40s.
How common are whiteheads?
Acne is a common skin problem prevalent in all age groups. Although teenagers and young adults make up the bulk of people with skin issues, it's not uncommon to see individuals in their late 30s or 40s having whiteheads. Some experts say everyone at some point in their lives might face whiteheads. However, most go away with time, while for some, it takes longer to heal.
Do whiteheads go away with time?
Most whiteheads should disappear after some time. But it can take longer to get rid of them for some people. If you face consistent acne like whiteheads and blackheads, it's better to talk to a cometic medical professional
The good news is that there are several treatment options for getting rid of whiteheads. These include treatments like Fractora, retinoids and cleansers consisting of Salicylic acid can remove the dead skin and prevent the clogging of skin pores. Seeing a cosmetic doctor can help you determine which acne therapy is appropriate for your specific needs.

Putsules are formed when pus accumulates beneath the skin or in a pore. An acne blemish is a yellowish blister-like sore that collects in an area of the skin, bulging and swollen. It resembles a giant pimple on the face. Pustules can form due to medical conditions, including acne, skin irritation, and smallpox.
When the body fights an infectious disease using white blood cells, it might trigger pustule formation. As a result, an infectious fluid mixed with dead white blood cells can occur (pus).
One can have acne pustules in any age group. However, they are most common among adolescents and young adults through hormonal changes that may cause acne breakouts.
Causes of Pustule
Puffiness associated with acne is caused by abscesses that form when the pore walls weaken and leak sebum. Eventually, it turns into a painful pimple, a swollen red bump on the skin. Infection-fighting white blood cells swarm the abscess as the pore breaks down. Within the flaw, you'll find pus-filled necrotic cells. Hormonal shifts commonly bring on acne during puberty. Still, acne can also occur from maternity, menopause, poor food consumption, excess oil and grime on the skin, and even prescription drugs. In addition, acne has a genetic link, which means that a person's family history may influence their condition. Although acne and skin infection are the primary reasons for pimples, certain conditions such as psoriasis and eczema can also lead to the formation of pus-filled blemishes.
How common are pustules?
It is not uncommon for pustules to appear in the areas where oil glands reside, such as the back, chest, and shoulders. It can be of different sizes depending on the severity. In contrast to non-inflamed acne lesions like blackheads, milia, and comedones, Pustules can be larger in size and tender to the touch.
Who do blackheads affect?
Teenagers and young adults going through hormonal changes are more likely to get blackheads. Acne persists in many adults through their twenties, thirties, and forties. Blackheads might appear for the first time in adulthood for some people.
Most pustules heal on their own after some time. However, the sudden outbreak of pustules can indicate a bacterial infection, requiring medical attention. For non-threatening blemishes, over-the-counter products such as creams and ointments with components like Salicylic acid and Retinoid can be effective. For severe conditions, consulting a cosmetic doctor is always a good idea. The doctor can modify the medications and increase the dosages for effective treatment, such as micro-needling with Radio Frequency.
Acne products have the potential to dehydrate the skin. In order to avoid further skin irritation, those with sensitive skin should opt for products that are gentler on the skin or get in-clinic treatments done by a qualified cosmetic doctor.
It is vital to keep your skin clean and moisturized to avoid breakouts. In addition, a good diet can help keep acne at bay. Hormonal and genetic predispositions are more challenging to change than other risk factors. Pustules can be challenging to treat, but several options are available for treating them as soon as they arise.

There is a tendency of generalizing and treating all acnes the same, there are distinct categories. For example, a red pimple can be different from whiteheads or blackheads. If you have a lot of comedones on your face, you may have a lot more blackheads and whiteheads. Although good skincare and hygiene are good practices, acne can still occur for several reasons. Therefore, learning more about the causes and treatments of blackheads will help you achieve smoother skin.
What are blackheads?
Another name for blackheads, open comedones, are follicles with an abnormally large aperture. Pigments such as melanin and sebum have been transformed into brown pigments through the chemical oxidation of sebum, keratin, and shed cells. As a result, the hair follicle's substance takes on a usual black hue. The nose is the most common site for blackheads, but they can appear anywhere on the face or body.
What causes blackheads?
There are sebaceous glands connected to hair follicles present throughout the body. Blackheads and whiteheads occur when these glands get obstructed by dirt, dead skins, and sebum oil. It results in comedones (either white or black). Although it appears that dirt is trapped in the bump, it is an uneven light reflection off congested hair follicles that generates the dark patches on the spots.
The most common causes of blackheads can include:
• Higher production of sebum (oily substance)
• Imbalance in Keratin protein synthesis (keratin is a particular protein responsible for hair, nail, and skin formation.)
• Hormonal imbalances during puberty and pregnancy
• Acne-producing bacteria on the skin
Who do blackheads affect?
Teenagers and young adults going through hormonal changes are more likely to get blackheads. Acne persists in many adults through their twenties, thirties, and forties. Blackheads might appear for the first time in adulthood for some people.
Where do they occur on the body?
Blackheads are more likely to appear on your face, neck, back, and chest than anywhere else on your body. The sebaceous glands are present throughout the body, so it is not uncommon to see blackheads appearing on thighs, ears, and armpits, albeit this is not a regular occurrence.
Compared to more severe acne lesions, blackheads are a milder form of acne. Blackheads are characterized by dark, open bumps on the surface of your skin. In addition, they don't cause discomfort or pain as with whiteheads. The treatment options include both OTC and prescription drugs.
• Salicylic Acid: Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid used as a chemical exfoliant. It is most often used to treat acne, but it also has anti-inflammatory properties. It can be found in over-the-counter products for blackheads as a cleanser or lotion.
• Benzoyl Peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide is a topical medication used to treat acne. It has an antibacterial effect and may also decrease plugging that causes blocked pores. However, many people report skin dryness or irritation from this product.
• Retinoid: They are suitable for moderate to severe acne people, including whiteheads and blackheads. Retinoid works by unclogging pores and removing the clogged material inside them. However, specific recommendations must be followed when using retinoids because they might be unpleasant.
• Fractora: Microneedling with Radio Frequency that disturbs the oil gland production and improves scarring.
For severe blackheads or persistent acne, it's always best to consult a physician. The doctor can modify the strength or the medication or recommend an oral antibiotic for containing skin bacteria and any other suitable treatment after inspecting the surface area.

Papules are common skin problems, also known as skin lesions. The oily skin, bacteria, hormonal changes, and certain medications can be the primary reason for inflammatory lumps on the skin. Unlike other types of acne, their nodule does not contain pus. Prescription and in-clinic procedures are both options for treatment.
A papule is an inflammatory blemish appearing like a red bump on the skin near the follicle wall. The margins of an acne papule can be clearly defined or hazy, and it can take on various forms, hues, and dimensions. It is not a sign of any serious medical condition in most cases.
Primary Causes of Papule
It's general knowledge that acne papules form when the hair follicle (or "pore," as it's more popularly known) becomes clogged with dead skin cells and excess sebum. A comedo is an obstruction, and there is a comedo at the root of every acne papule.
Papule acne bacterium thrives on the excess oil in the comedo plug oil, making it a good "meal" for them. As a result, these microorganisms grow with ease.
The follicle is put under a lot of strain because of all the excess material in the pore. The follicular wall ruptures when enough pressure is applied. The skin is irritated by the substance that leaks out. Sore, inflamed, and reddened skin is seen on the body. An acne pustule may emerge if pus forms a white head on a lesion that has a papule.
Adolescents and young adults going through hormonal changes are more likely to develop papules. However, many adults continue to suffer from papules well into their 30s and beyond because of genetics.
Where do they occur on the body?
Papules are common skin problems. There is some evidence that acne papules afflict practically everyone in their lives. Adults may also suffer from them, but they are more common among adolescents. They can appear on the face, neck, shoulders, and other body areas.
When it comes to diagnosing acne, it is necessary to seek the advice of a medical practitioner. A cosmetic doctor can diagnose and later treat acne papules during a skin examination.
People at risk for papules, may be asked about any current or past stress or whether they have a family history of the condition. In addition, acne papules and menstruation can be linked, and your healthcare practitioner may inquire if this is the case if you menstruate.
For minor skin blemishes, there are several OTC products:
• Azelaic acid: Azelaic acid is a naturally occurring acid found in grains, including barley, wheat, and rye, among others. It destroys bacteria on your skin and relieves inflammation. One of the best ways to treat acne and other forms of scarring on the skin is to use Azelaic acid. Ask your medical skincare specialist about medical-grade chemical peels.
• Benzoyl Peroxide: Benzoyl Peroxide is a topical treatment used to target surface bacteria and reduce the size of papules. It can be used in concentrations as low as 2.5%, which is less irritating to the skin than in higher concentrations. Irritation (dryness) is a common side effect and can be reduced by using a wash formulation or moisturizer.
• Retinoids: Retinoids are a topical medication used to help treat and prevent acne. It works by unclogging pores and preventing the formation of new blackheads and whiteheads. Retinoids are available as creams, gels, lotions, solutions, or pads. Some people who use retinoids may notice that their skin becomes dry or irritated.
• Fractora: a combination of micro-needling with radio frequency that treats papules, improves scarring, and rejuvenates the skin surface

It is not uncommon to see cyst-like formations, such as those found in blisters, closed sacs containing liquid, semisolid, or gaseous contents. It can take the shape of a small capsule and appear inside of the body or on the skin. Most cysts are due to infection, genetic, and other health conditions, and NOT all cysts are cancerous.
Cysts are common and can appear anywhere on the body for various reasons. Non-cancerous cysts are usually the result of a skin infection, genetic conditions, inflammatory diseases, bacteria, and other medical conditions.
Doctors and researchers have identified several cysts; some are benign, while those appearing on internal organs can indicate a severe underlying health issue.
• Epidermoid cyst: It is also known as a sebaceous cyst, appearing on the skin filled with yellow sebum and arising in the sebaceous gland. Epidermoid cysts are easily visible, and multiple treatment options are available. However, it can become more painful and unattractive if it grows in size and volume.
• Breast cyst: Although cysts on the breast can appear for various reasons, it's always best to perform a medical test to determine whether it is non-threatening and non-cancerous growth.
• Sebaceous cyst: There are several possibilities why these red bumps appear on the skin, such as damaged sebaceous glands, trauma, and surgical wounds. Although smaller cysts can be benign, the larger ones can cause pain and pressure.
• Ganglion cyst: There are two types of ganglion cysts: those that are filled with a gel-like substance and those with a slight bump. An injury, trauma, or overuse can lead to fluid buildup; however, it's not always clear what caused it. If the ganglion cyst expands to the point that it puts pressure on other body parts, it can cause pain and discomfort.
• Baker's cyst: It is another type of cyst appearing on the back of a knee. Several causes can range from joint pain and arthritis to overexertion and an injury affecting the joints.
Although most cysts are non-threatening, some can be cancerous, so consulting a medical doctor is always good.
Where do they occur on the body?
The specific body locations include skin, wrists, knees, ovaries, breasts, cervix, and kidneys. Although those appearing on the skin and other external body parts don't pose a severe health risk, those found in kidneys, ovaries, and internal organs can be symptoms of a significant medical problem.
A cosmetic doctor can ask several questions related to cysts like the first appearance, growth rate, size and volume changes, and whether they feel any pain or discomfort when pressed. Then, after a careful examination, the doctor can identify the symptoms and determine whether the cyst is malignant or non-cancerous. A simple visual examination should be enough to recommend an appropriate treatment course for most cases. The treatment plan depends on the location and severity of the cysts. In non-threatening conditions, a healthcare practitioner can use a needle to remove the fluid materials, prescribe medications to ease the inflammatory conditions, or recommend surgical removal of the cyst if other methods prove ineffective.

Nodules/Nodular Acne
A clogged skin pore is the origin of most acne and pimples. In addition, dead skin cells and sebum (oil), along with bacteria, are responsible for different skin problems, including blackheads, whiteheads, and acne. Nodular acne is a more severe kind of acne, causing hard lumps beneath and surfacing as red bumps on the exterior. It's recommended to seek help from a cosmetic doctor to avoid permanent scarring and infection.
What is Nodular Acne?
Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes) is a bacterium found in nodular acne. However, when this bacterium, together with sebum and sloughed-off skin cells, is caught in your pores, it can cause infection and inflammation. As a result, you may notice red and enlarged pores due to a condition that spreads beneath your skin's surface. Nodular acne can last for weeks or even months and can be painful. Because it affects the deeper layer of the skin, available OTC products are ineffective in treating nodular acne.
Leading Causes of Nodular Acne
Nodular acne has a similar origin as other pimples – a combination of factors, including dead skin cells, sebum oil, and hair getting trapped in the skin pores. Although p. bacterium is a naturally occurring bacteria and doesn't pose a significant risk, but can become problematic when it gets inside the clogged pores. It can lead to painful and discomforting red bumps on the skin when this happens.
Other nodular acne symptoms and causes can include:
• People with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis face a heightened risk of nodular acne. Family genetics may also be a factor.
• Acne breakouts are more prevalent among young people going through puberty because their hormone levels fluctuate. Clogged pores are a common side effect of an overabundance of the androgen hormone. Male adolescents and teenagers have a higher concentration of this hormone than female adolescents and young adults. Nodular acne can occur in women who are pregnant, menstruating or have reached menopause, but this is not always the case.
• Stress and anxiety can increase the cortisol level and result in higher sebum oil production, leading to nodular acne.
• Certain medications and skin care products can clog pores or lead to more severe nodular acne.
Where do they occur on the body?
Nodular acne appears to originate in the body differently depending on gender. For example, male adolescents and teenagers can have firm acne lumps on the chest, face, and back. On the other hand, females are more likely to develop on the jawline or chin. These red lumps can be sensitive and painful to the touch.
Some people can have cystic acne and nodular acne at the same time. Both types of acne develop beneath the skin and cause bumps or lumps on the skin. Compared to nodules, cystic acne bumps are softer. Nodules can have a hard boil and knot, causing more pain and inflammation than cystic acne.
The general OTC medications are not as effective as prescription oral and topical treatments because of the severe condition. Therefore, cosmetic doctor treatment recommendations are the best option for treating nodular acne.
In addition, acne nodules should never be squeezed or "popped." It may exacerbate the condition and leave you with permanent scarring from your acne. A cosmetic doctor can create an effective treatment plan after understanding your skin condition, medical history, and family history.
In the case of severe acne, your doctor may consider using a prescription drug combined with a regular skin treatment.
The topical creams can include:
• Prescription-strength benzoyl peroxide.
• Salicylic acid to remove dead skin.
• Retinoid for clearing hair follicles.
Your doctor may prescribe cortisone injections if your acne nodules are extensive, painful, or persistent, and it helps reduce inflammation and pain.
Come in for a complimentary skin consultation so that you can ask us any questions you may have and get a proper evaluation and a recommended treatment plan.


An acne scar is formed when pimples become inflamed, resulting in scarring. Acne pores expand, and the wall of the pore breaks down. Acne lesions that leave only shallow scars tend to heal more quickly. However, blemishes can leave more prominent spots if their contents leak into the surrounding tissue. The body produces collagen fibres to combat and heal acne scarring.
The human skin is the largest organ in the body, and the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis are the three layers of the skin. These layers shield delicate internal organs from the environment, including UV rays and bacteria, and contribute to vitamin D absorption. However, acne can appear on the face, back, and chest because of sebaceous glands in those areas. The human body produces collagen to protect and heal the infected or lesions on the skin. Acne scars that don't match the surrounding skin's colour and texture are caused by an imbalance in the collagen synthesis process. Several factors can influence the acne scars, such as family genetics, inflammation, delays in acne treatment, and severe skin problems.

With the help of tiny pins, the Fractora device uses radiofrequency waves to resurface the skin, stimulating collagen production while also improving the look and feel of the skin. It has proven effective for skin concerns like pimples, acne scars, and age-related wrinkles. Many practitioners also recommend Fractora for facial and neck improvement.

Hayam Rozik
Skin Specialist, Medical Esthetician
Hayam brings a unique blend of expertise to the cosmetic space. She has a pharmacy degree from the University of Alexandria in Egypt, this coupled with her incredible knowledge of medical grade skincare products and treatments makes her a miracle worker when it comes to amazing skin results!
The backbone of her treatment methodology is her ability to personalize skin solutions specifically for the client in front of her. Her wealth of knowledge around how various medical products and treatments work means that she is able to take the guess work out of skin treatments. Her methods are both fully customized and creative in their approach.
Hayam is driven by the desire to provide each and every client with tangible, visible results. She is a perfectionist and has no problem using multiple methods and treatment protocols to create the results her clients desire. For clients that want a truly personalized approach - Hayam is exactly who they are looking for.
As a person Hayam is a great listener who gains great satisfaction from helping others feel confident about themselves - her clients describer her as warm and caring.

Mahnaz Salari
Skin Specialist, Medical Esthetician
Mahnaz became a medical doctor after attending Iran Medicine University for anesthesiology and practiced medicine for 10 years afterwards in her home country of Iran. Upon coming to Canada she attended Bryan College for medical aesthetics, as a foreign trained doctor, and graduated with an honours certificate acknowledging her strong medical knowledge and background.
She is an invaluable member of the LipDoctor team and works hand-in-hand with Dr. Bector to ensure that client safety, comfort and desired results all exceed expectations.
Her details knowledge of the body and the skin allow her to perform multiple modality based treatments on clients looking to address acne scaring, pigmentation, laxity and volume loss with great precision.
Her clients and team alike describe her as sincere, sweet and exceptional when it comes to ongoing learning and client care.

We welcome you to book a consultation with us to find out how our skin experts can help change your life.